America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

3 Things You Need to Run a Successful Local Deal

August 10, 2012

Are you considering getting into local deals (also known as daily deals), or just want to brush up on the basics before you set up your next offer? Here are three things you need to make sure you have from a vendor before running a deal that will help put your business on the path to success:

– Control over the details of the deal

– An easy way to measure the deal’s success

– Ability to engage with customers AFTER they’ve taken the deal

Let’s take a closer look at why these three things are so important.

1. Establishing control

Traditionally, many deal providers dictate the terms of your deal. Good for them, but not always good for you. When you have full control over your deal, you get to decide what works for your business. This means you can: (more…)