Joe took over the Floyd Lilly Company in 2017 with an excited attitude and willingness to learn, having already thought of his goals for his customers,team, and company. Floyd Lily Company offers water wells, pumps, tanks, hoses, pipe, tubing, fittings, and sprayers, as well as 24-hour emergency well and pump services. He believes that a part of his business’s success is his ability to retain great staff, who focus on the customer needs and strive to achieve higher customer service; this success has given Joe the opportunity to focus on including a great health care program for his staff, complete with a retirement program.

His focus on improving health benefits for his team has peaked employee retention and increased customer service. Joe has also been focusing on creating an online presence for his customers in hopes of showing customers there is a repair service they can rely on 24 hours a day, no matter what. They have started using automated billing and inventory to help increase efficiency.

Working with the projections provided by the SBDC when he purchased his business gave Joe the confidence to go to the SBA and banks with knowledge to help him deal with future negotiations to better improve his business. As the company grows, he has continued to raise his company’s goals to include increasing revenue, which will allow him to pay off the business, while also ensuring a secure future for his team. By promoting from within, ensuring a great health care package, and keeping his team in mind, he has succeeded in creating a website for his online presence, increasing his employee retention rate, and constantly improving his customer service.