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5 Legal Issues When Managing a Remote Team During the Coronavirus

October 13, 2020
By ComplyRight –

Virtual Offices

More and more businesses are allowing employees to work remotely due to the COVID-19 crisis. While this approach makes sense, it can open the door to increased legal problems. Business owners and managers must oversee the remote worker arrangement carefully to avoid obstacles. Here are five risky situations to consider. Share on X

#1: Managing Non-Exempt Workers Remotely

Supervising exempt (i.e., “salaried”) and non-exempt (i.e. “hourly”) workers presents challenges. Let’s look at some important issues surrounding non-exempt employees first. (more…)

Don’t Miss Out On New Covid-19 Tax Credits

September 1, 2020
By Intuit –

Intuit Aid Assist EstimatorTo help small businesses and self-employed workers stay afloat due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the IRS created new tax credits, including:

• Employee Retention Credit
• Paid Sick Leave Credit
• Paid Family and Medical Leave Credit

But carving out extra time to figure out which tax credit options you may qualify for — while adapting your business to COVID-19 — can be an overwhelming and time-consuming experience. Federal financial relief programs often have rules, provisions, and exceptions that are hard to understand at a glance. With a mission to power prosperity around the world, Intuit recently added a Tax Credit Estimator to Intuit Aid Assist — a free interactive tool that helps you determine your eligibility for various federal relief programs. Share on X (more…)

FAQs about COVID-Related Employment Law Compliance

July 21, 2020
By ComplyRight –

Across the country, small businesses are grappling with numerous operational and employee management challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether you’ve remained in business during the crisis — or are just now initiating your return-to-work plans — you must balance new federal, state and local legal requirements against your typical business practices. It takes keen awareness and action to protect yourself from legal risks during the crisis, while also keeping your employees safe from the virus.

Here is some guidance on how to interpret and handle the biggest employee management issues arising today:

Q: What should we communicate to employees about the COVID-19 virus?

A: This depends on your business, as well as what is happening with the virus in your area (which changes day by day). In general, you should communicate the measures you are taking internally to help limit the spread of disease, changes to scheduling or hours of operation, whether remote work will be permitted (and the rules around working remotely), and any travel restrictions. You also need to discourage employees from coming to work if they have been exposed to the virus or exhibit any symptoms of the virus, in addition to addressing how the company will handle absences relating to the pandemic crisis. (more…)

CDC Provides Interim Guidance For Businesses About Coronavirus Disease

March 6, 2020

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has provided interim guidance for businesses and employers to plan and respond to Coronavirus Disease.

The CDC says the interim guidance is based on what is currently known about the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and the CDC will update the interim guidance as needed and as additional information becomes available.

According to the CDC, the interim guidance may help prevent workplace exposures to acute respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, in non-healthcare settings. The guidance also provides planning considerations if there are more widespread, community outbreaks of COVID-19.

The interim guidance includes recommended strategies for employers to use now; planning for a possible COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S.; planning considerations; and considerations for creating an infectious disease outbreak response plan.

For the complete CDC interim guidance, and additional resources and information from the CDC, click here.

How to Manage Performance of Employees

March 5, 2020 3 Comments
Proven Strategies to Increase Productivity and Motivation

By ComplyRight –

How many of your employees do you consider actively engaged in their jobs and your business? If you’re like most employers, the answer is probably “not enough.” According to a Gallup report, roughly only 30% of U.S. employees are engaged in their jobs – and this low percentage is mostly attributed to managers and their supervisory style.

Engaged employees feel appreciated and motivated to perform at higher levels. They also are loyal to their company and less likely leave when other offers come around. So what can you do to foster engagement? One proven strategy is to implement an ongoing performance management system. (more…)