America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

5 Ways to Improve Your Online Reputation

September 13, 2022

By: Jamie Cohen

How often do you check your social media accounts? Or, Google your name? If you don’t track them, you’re missing out on important information about your online presence.

Your online reputation matters. And it’s something you should take seriously. In today’s society, where everyone seems connected, staying ahead of the game with your brand is essential. It could be the difference between a thriving business and one that struggles to get leads or sales.

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6 Ways to Use Year-end Profit to Win in the Long Run

September 6, 2022

By: Matthew Gillman, SMB Compass Founder

If you have any money left at the end of your fiscal year, you’re doing better than a lot of others who are simply breaking even. When a business is profitable, the question of what to do with the funds comes into question. Many business owners may simply carry funds forward for use in the next fiscal year to maximize their resources or cover unexpected costs. In this article, we’ll explore six options to consider if you have money to spend on your business.

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5 Creative Ideas to Increase Team Productivity

August 23, 2022

By: Jamie Cohen

Managing team productivity is one of the most important aspects of growing a business. Efficiency and productivity are crucial to business success. Our article on managing employee performance covers the basics of managing your team. Here, we focus on creative and innovative ways to increase team productivity. One way is by maintaining a positive work environment. A positive work environment can help stimulate employee creativity and lead to innovation and company success.

Here are our top five tips for boosting team productivity and creating a productive, welcoming work environment.

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How Important is Personal Credit When Looking for Business Financing?

August 9, 2022

By: Matthew Gillman, SMB Compass Founder

You’ve probably heard time and time again that lenders will look at your personal credit profile before approving your business loan application. That is because your credit reflects how diligent you are in paying off your debts. It also gives lenders an idea of how risky it would be to lend you money.

This article will demonstrate why personal credit is essential when looking to get business financing. It will also provide practical tips on building up your personal credit score to prepare you for future loan applications.

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5 challenges today’s entrepreneurs face — and how to overcome them

August 2, 2022

By Myranda Mondry

2021 broke a record year for entrepreneurship with five million new businesses started. This year more than 17 million Americans said they wanted to open a new business, according to data from QuickBooks. 

These new business owners have unique challenges to face in the wake of the pandemic. Like inflation, which a recent QuickBooks survey found that almost all business owners (99%) are concerned about. Respondents also ranked supply chain, cash flow challenges, low funding, and skills shortages among the top threats facing small businesses this year.

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