America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

America’s #SBDC Congressional Showcase – EatsPlace

January 30, 2016

2 Days to the Showcase!

Washington, DC

Eats-Place-picThe District of Columbia Small Business Development Center (DCSBDC) Network at the at Howard University School of Business has worked with Katy Chang for the past three years on her community food incubator, EatsPlace – from its inception to a thriving business. Katy is a leader in the local business community, as evidenced by her selection as one of 40 CEOs participating in the SBA Emerging Leaders Program along with her other awards and accolades.

Ms. Chang has built a business that welcomes new people with new ideas by reducing the barriers to entry into the food, beverage and hospitality industries. EatsPlace hosts events that educate and inspire, including new business start-up open houses and classes for aspiring restauranteurs.

Eats-Place-quoteMoreover, EatsPlace has contributed to local economic development of the Georgia Avenue/Petworth area in Washington, DC, thru the countless patrons arriving from all over the region to experience EatsPlace as a destination of new and diverse cuisines. This demand to experience EatsPlace has spawned numerous businesses out of EatsPlace, and created jobs (indirectly) by businesses born out of EatsPlace and (directly) by EatsPlace itself.  (more…)