America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

7 Steps to Declare Your Independence

July 3, 2014

As Independence Day quickly approaches, I’ve been giving thought to how this special day celebrates the American spirit to break free, and not only in the political sense. We are a nation built on “start-ups” and entrepreneurship. Our forefathers, and in many cases our grandfathers, grandmothers, parents or great grandparents, came to America to break free and pursue what was, and still is, considered “The American Dream.”

For them and for us, the word freedom represents many things. It can mean that you decide how hard to work and how far you will take your success. It can mean your own schedule. It can mean life… on your terms. It all needs to start somewhere though with a fearless leap, whether big or small, towards independence.

Here are some steps in declaring your independence:

1. Figure out what you are interested in as well as your unique skill set. If you are really interested in a certain area, you will, and may have already, authentically tapped into a targeted community of like-minded individuals. They are your customers/clients. Give them what they want and need.

2. Do your research. Is there a market for what you offer? Are you filling a need? Who are your competitors and how are you differentiating yourself? There are many sources for market research. The ASBDC provides clients free research packets that can serve as a portion of your overall due diligence.  (more…)