Erin Schroeder owns Schroeder Dental, Inc., located in Floyds Knobs, Indiana. Dr. Schroeder offers a wide variety of dental services. Some of the services offered include fillings, cleanings, exams, crowns, bridges, whitening, implant crowns, dentures, partial dentures, etc. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Dr. Schroeder was busy with schoolwork. She earned her Bachelor’s of Science in Biology and Associate of Arts and Chemistry from Indiana University Southeast. After four years of dental school, she received her Doctor of Dental Medicine from the University of Louisville.
Dr. Schroeder has had the dream of becoming a dentist since she was only 12 years old. She has always wanted her career to be one that helps people and promotes better oral health. To this day, her mission at Schroeder Dental is to provide excellent dental care to patients. It is important to her that her business enacts ethical procedures and follows guidelines.
Dr. Schroeder enjoys so much about her business, and the part she enjoys the most is helping people learn the importance of oral health. She also loves seeing patients’ happy, smiling faces after treatments. Working with dental insurance companies is Dr. Schroeder’s least favorite aspect of running her business. She says it is a long and sometimes challenging process to learn everything she needs to know about working with each company. (more…)