America’s SBDC Blog

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How Can You Expand Your Business Through Financing?

May 19, 2014 1 Comment

There are about 8 million small businesses in the US that have employees; meaning they are not independent contractors. Some of these businesses don’t seek financing because they don’t believe they need it. However, a large majority of these firms may very well need debt financing at some point in their lifecycle to expand their businesses.

Not accessing expansion-oriented capital could mean a missed opportunity to gain on their competition. More nimble business owners seize on that opportunity like Utica, New York based auto-collision and repair shop, Whitesboro Frame & Body. I had a chance to speak with Bill Chromczak, the President of the company, to learn how financing has expanded his business.

Can you provide some background on your business?
Our company, Whitesboro Frame & Body, is based out of Utica, New York and we service the local community here. We are an auto-collision and repair shop.  (more…)