America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

Why Care About Intellectual Property? IP: The Forgotten First Step

February 19, 2014

When starting a business, many assume intellectual property (IP) is merely an incredibly expensive legal concept that does not apply to them; or worse, too many people believe IP is something that can be put off until later. It should be known that every company has IP and innovation, and the time to identify and decide upon a strategy to protect your IP is at inception.

Every business has IP

IP can be found in 100% of businesses and is not just for tech businesses or inventors.  Simple items like business or product names, customer lists, and blog or presentation content are IP. Innovation (or IP) is often a business’ most valuable asset, particularly during startup, and must be coveted in the same way as your tangible office assets (e.g., computers, cash, products, etc.). You would not leave the company office unlocked with these items out in the open; IP or intangibles need to be treated with the same care as physical assets.  (more…)