America’s SBDC Blog

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3 Email Marketing Resolutions to Stick to in 2014

January 21, 2014

January is a time of introspection, reflection and goal setting for the year ahead. Want to get your email marketing on the right path for 2014? Here are 3 easy but essential email marketing resolutions to commit to now to ensure long-term success:

Eliminate your email bad habits

Like in life, sometimes bad habits have a way of creeping into our marketing efforts as well.  For example you may wait to the last minute to think about what you’re going to write in your emails or are go months without engaging with your contact lists. If that is the case, you probably already know that these are habits you need to change. But how? Start by developing an email marketing plan and stick to a reasonable schedule. This will immediately increase your potential for success. You should also take some time to review your email lists to make sure you understand as much as possible about your subscribers. Use your click-through data to find out what type of content your readers are interested in. You can then segment your list into different audiences, based on the content that most engages them.

Reduce your content-related stress

Few email marketing tasks can cause a small business owner’s stress level to go up faster than creating email content. This is especially true if you consider yourself to be a less-than-perfect writer. Make a commitment to reducing your content-related stress, and break this frustrating cycle. (more…)