America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

The Business Buying Process in 6 Steps

October 22, 2012

According to a recent buyer survey, 60% of online business buyers reported that they “Understood the buying process”, but many of our conversations with SBDC counselors paint a different picture. Our workshop at the ASBDC conference aimed to address the complexities of the buying process and shed insight into buyer expectations to better prepare SBDC centers as they intake aspiring entrepreneurs.

Read our 6 steps to buying a small business that were presented at the conference, and click here , or any of the following links to download our Buyer Tools referenced below.

1. Determine Readiness to Purchase

Are your clients prepared to take on the task of running a business? Consider your client’s income, lifestyle, investment, and risk profile to see if they’re suited for the task. (more…)