America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

Help, I Don’t Know What To Write About!

By Anissa Starnes, Director, National Organizations for Constant Contact

In the six years that I have been with Constant Contact I have presented to over 30,000 small business and nonprofits that have attended my seminars.  One recurring theme that I hear over and over from those in attendance is “I want to do email marketing and social media but I just don’t know what to write about.”  Have you ever felt that way?  If so, you are not alone.

I will let you in on a little secret. You don’t have to be the one that writes it! You just have to be able to recognize good content and share it. Most of us read a lot of information daily.  Some of it comes from social sites, newspapers, magazines, industry periodicals and even other people’s email newsletters.  The trick is when you read something that gets your own attention then ask yourself “would my audience get value from this if I shared it?”

If the answer is yes, then you have found good content.  Of course, you always want to give credit where credit is due and site the original source when sharing.  Good content is everywhere you just have to be on the lookout for it and it doesn’t have to be original to you. That makes it a lot easier, doesn’t it?

Here is a link to a blog post with some really great tips on content marketing:

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