Success Story Share

America’s SBDC always seeks opportunities to share and highlight the thousands of SBDC clients who work with their local SBDCs. It shares these stories with stakeholders and the general public via its blog and social channels.

We appreciate the network’s continuous support in providing these stories.

We ask networks to please upload their story to the most appropriate category for your story and include your network’s state or regional name in the file. We look for stories by subject and location, so following these simple and helpful directions is essential.

Artificial Intelligence

Innovations in machine learning, AI-driven applications, and automation, enhancing business processes and decision-making.

Congressional Engagement

Successes involving interactions with legislative bodies, advocacy for policy changes, or recognition through congressional awards or support.

Disaster Recovery

Stories of businesses that have successfully navigated recovery from natural or economic disasters, focusing on resilience and continuity planning.


Advancements in renewable energy, energy efficiency, or traditional energy sectors, including solar, wind, oil, and gas.


Experiences in expanding business internationally, overcoming trade barriers, and leveraging export assistance programs.

Government Contracting

Achievements in securing government contracts, navigating procurement processes, or expanding through federal, state, or local government work.


Innovations in manufacturing processes, adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies, or expansion in production capabilities.

Rural Development

Success stories from businesses in rural areas, focusing on economic development, community impact, and overcoming geographic challenges.

Tech Development

Advancements in technology sectors like biotech, aerospace, software, or hardware development, leading to new products or services.

Economically Challenged

Businesses that have encountered limitations in accessing economic opportunities.


Businesses started by or employing veterans, highlighting their unique contributions, leadership, and community service.


Successes of companies where women lead, focusing on breaking barriers, mentorship, and fostering gender equality in business.