America's SBDC Community

America's SBDC Community

America's SBDC Community

America's SBDC Community

America's SBDC Community

America's SBDC Community

America's SBDC Community

America's SBDC Community

Association Groups

Dive Deeper: Supporting America's SBDC Through Committees, Groups & Interest Sections

America’s SBDC thrives on collaboration and member engagement. This page provides an overview of the various ways you can participate and contribute your expertise. Whether you’re interested in specific topics, leadership development, or shaping strategic plans, there’s a place for you.

Here’s a breakdown of the different groups and their functions:

Committees: Officially recognized groups tackling critical tasks aligned with the association’s strategic plan. Chairs are typically SBDC Network Directors or volunteers with relevant expertise.

Groups: The Associate State Directors Group works to elevate opportunities for their members within the network. Other groups may emerge based on national initiatives or member needs.

Interest Sections: Cater to individuals passionate about specific topics. They are self-managed by network personnel who share best practices and information. The Board of Directors oversees their creation and deletion.

Get involved! This page also offers details about responsibilities for chairs, resources for collaboration, and links to current group listings.

Meeting Report Form

Committees, Interest Sections, and Work Groups are asked to complete a report after each meeting and email their report to the America’s SBDC Board chair, Board vice chair, and Board member liaison, updating them on the group’s discussion and any pending action needed.

Chairs will provide updates at the biannual membership meetings.


America’s SBDC Committees are recognized and formalized groups with delegated authority to consider, investigate, act, or report on matters of strategic importance concerning the goals and objectives of the national network.
Committee Chairs are usually SBDC Network Directors, Associate State Directors, or others who volunteer to serve.

Chairs are responsible for:

    • Create and lead group work plan. Must submit an updated plan to the Association yearly.
    • Scheduling and leading committee meetings of at least twice annually.
    • Maintaining current meeting schedule in the Association’s Groups spreadsheet (in designated Google spreadsheet).
    • Communicating with committee members about committee activities.
    • Keeping their Board Liaison updated on activities.
    • Sharing an updated list of committee members with the Association (in designated Google spreadsheet).
    • Provide committee reports during the monthly board meetings and bi-annual presentations during spring and fall America’s SBDC Board and Membership Meetings, or as requested.

Committee Members include SBDC Network Directors, Associate State Directors or other personnel from the network who have specialized knowledge that add value to the Committee. All members must have the concurrence of their SBDC Network Director to serve. Only Committee Members, Board Members, State Directors, or assigned America’s SBDC staff shall participate in committee meetings unless expressly invited by the Committee Chair. Committee membership will be reviewed annually following the Board of Directors election of officers and assignment of Board Liaisons.

While there are no term limits for Committee Chairs or Members, it is suggested that the Board of Directors annually review and work with Committees to ensure opportunities for broad participation across the national network and leadership development opportunities. Co-chairs are suggested as a way to maintain continuity while also allowing for the growth of new leadership.

Associate State Director Work Group

The Associate State Director Work Group advises the Board through the Group’s elected Board representative. The Group works to expand opportunities for Associate/Assistant State Directors in the America’s SBDC organization. The Group compiles and shares information, tools and best practices that can improve the operations of America’s SBDC Network. It works cooperatively with America’s SBDC staff to disseminate information. Each state/region designates one ASD voting member for purposes of electing its Board of Directors representative.

Interest Sections

America’s SBDC Interest Sections are designed for individuals interested in a specific topic. Interest Sections are organized and self-managed by network personnel who compile and share information, tools, and best practices. Interest Sections may be added or deleted at the discretion of the Board of Directors based on national initiatives or suggestions from the membership.

Chairs are responsible for:
– Create and lead group work plan. Must submit an updated plan to the Association yearly.
– Scheduling meetings at least twice annually.
– Providing written notice of interest section meetings to the membership (in the designated Google spreadsheet).
– Communicating with interest section members (encouraged to use a method such as Mobilize).
– Stay in active communication with the group Board Liaison.
– Provide an updated list of group members to the Association (in the designated Google spreadsheet).
– Coordinating as appropriate with America’s SBDC staff.
– Providing Interest Section reports during the bi-annual (Spring and Fall) Membership Meetings or as requested.

Interest Section Chairs or Co-Chairs are usually volunteers solicited by Board Members or State Directors and must have the concurrence of their SBDC Network Director to serve. As appropriate and necessary, Interest Sections will provide recommendations to the America’s SBDC Board. While there are no term limits of Interest Sections Chairs or Members, it is suggested that the Board of Directors annually review and work with Interest Sections to ensure opportunities for broad participation across the national network and leadership development opportunities. Co-chairs are suggested as a way to maintain continuity while also allowing for growth of new leadership.

Regional Leadership Groups

Regional Leadership Groups are comprised of programs by geographic regions. SBDC Network Directors, Associate State Directors, and invited guests meet regularly to share ideas and best practices and discuss current SBDC challenges. Most groups meet regularly by Zoom and/or once or twice annually in-person as conditions allow. Participation from leadership outside the region is encouraged to obtain a broad understanding of the national network.

Board Liaisons

America’s SBDC Board of Directors members serve as board liaisons to Committees, Interest Sections, and geographic Regional Leadership Groups to facilitate communication and implementation of strategic activities of the national network.

Task Forces

America’s SBDC Task Forces are created as needed by the America’s SBDC Board of Directors. The Board selects members and designates the chair. These small groups are organized to achieve a defined task or project at the direction of the Board. Task Forces may be chaired by a Board Member or another designated leader and shall provide monthly progress reports to the Board until the task or project is complete. The Board should review Task Forces annually and discontinue those whose tasks are complete or have become inactive and are no longer needed.